Mindfulness, Self reflection Lisa Tennant Mindfulness, Self reflection Lisa Tennant

What if it was EASY??

Personal Reflection and Exploration

What if it was EASY??

As we enter 2022, I have been reflecting on patterns in my life.
What feels good, true and aligned with how I want to be and live in the world?

What components are not as aligned as I desire and how can I creatively explore ways to grow towards my desired intentions?

How can I set intentions for what I want more of in my world while factoring in a variety of life dimensions such as: personal life, family life, social life, career goals etc.

During this process I have discovered a myriad of feelings I don't find pleasant to experience, yet they all are periodically part of my body mind experience. Frustration, resentment, sadness, anger, anxiety and of course I would be remiss to not mention fear.

A little glimpse into my life:

Over the past 20 years, I have experienced numerous barriers to achieving the life work balance I desire. I find myself complaining about not having enough time to fully build the business I desire. Family commitments frequently pull me off track from doing all the tasks needed to successfully run my own business. I focus on my immediate client-based tasks and not on future marketing, networking and business development. I find myself hesitant to jump into these additional business development areas as I am often unable to find the time and energy available to fully dedicate myself to these endeavors.

My husband and I have 2 daughters who are now in their early to mid 20s. In 2015 we were beginning to feel like we were rounding the corner in terms of the more time intensive years of child rearing. We were beginning to look forward to a return to a more individual and couple focused time period in our life.

Then life took a little detour when we became grandparents as our youngest daughter entered her freshman year in high school and our granddaughter's mom turned 20. It soon became apparent that my husband and I needed to step into a place of support for our granddaughter that went above the traditional role of grandparents. We love our granddaughter dearly and cherish our time with her. AND we also have to acknowledge that we are once again in the time intensive stage of child rearing.

I recently pulled out an Inspiration Card set based on the work of John F. Barnes authority on Myofascial Release. The deck was given to me by my oldest daughter for Christmas.
The card said:


Such a great question, one that leaves me a bit speechless and perplexed. I have to admit that if IT was easy, I would not be the person I am today. I would not be challenged to grow, to explore my full potential, to be more compassionate, more grateful, more understanding, less judgmental.

I invite you to explore your own answer to WHAT IF IT WAS EASY?
What do you discover within and about yourself?

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Lisa Tennant Lisa Tennant

Opening your Perspective

What do you see, hear, feel, think when you are presented with the idea of having a different perspective than someone else or being incorrect ?

This summer I have been reading a book selected by the Atlantic Magazine summer reading list entitled:
Being Wrong- Adventures in the Margin of Error by Kathryn Schulz.
This book has helped me to grow in my emotional and thought processes around being "wrong". It covers topics such as:

  • What do we see with our senses- for example what do we see in the photo above?

  • Our minds- knowing, not knowing and making it up

  • Our minds- evidence

  • Our society

  • The allure of certainty

  • Being wrong- denial and acceptance

  • Heartbreak

  • Transformation

  • Embracing error

These topics are loaded with potential emotional charge rich with growth potential.

How do you experience images, thought patterns or beliefs that challenge you?

I look to HeartMath ® techniques to help me navigate these challenging waters in a calm, coherent manner that allows my heart and mind to connect.
One of my favorite techniques is Freeze Frame.
Benefits of this technique:

  • Reduces energy drain

  • Increases ability to quickly develop solutions and problem solve

  • Increases clarity and access to intuitive intelligence

  • Improves mental functions

  • Increases access to creativity and "out of the box" solutions.

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Body Mind Therapy, Acupressure, Mindfulness Lisa Tennant Body Mind Therapy, Acupressure, Mindfulness Lisa Tennant

Growing from Foundation to Flow

Uncovering the Magic between Foundation and Flow

In my work I am intrigued and amazed at how the human body, mind and spirit is able to shift from a state of rigidity and chaos to ease and clarity. Our neurological system can learn to be wired for fight, flight or freeze based on our past traumas, injuries, experiences, limiting beliefs and thought patterns. It can also wired for ease, clarity and functional flow based upon our practices, experiences and thought patterns.

Our bodies and minds thrive when immersed in a foundation of safety, security and stability. I frequently encourage clients to invite their bodies to rest back and feel the support underneath them to assist in shifting the nervous system into a more relaxed, embodied state. As the body begins to settle back and relax the body tissues begin to soften and the parasympathetic or "rest and digest" system begins to takeover and influence all body systems.

Recently I have been intrigued by the space between foundation and flow. The space between deep relaxation where the body feels grounded and calm and the feel of functional, neurological flow.

I believe this is the Space where POTENTIAL lies:
- Potential for rewiring the nervous system response.
- Potential for less pain and tension.
- Potential for less anxiety and depression.
- Potential for enhanced range of motion, greater strength and ease.
- Potential for a shift in belief and thought patterns.

From this Space we can invite in what we need and desire. More ease, more joy, more gratitude, more love, more deep and meaningful awareness and connection.

What is possible when we practice finding our foundation and resources that nourish our foundation?

What is possible when we tap into our internal sources of flow- our breath, our heart, our internal sensations and inner wisdom?

Lessons from Nature
From deep within the supportive earth flows the cool, bubbling spring water that nourishes the ecosystem it travels through.
I invite you to find your foundation, find your flow and explore what possibilities you wish to invite into the magical space that is within you!

ReLeaf Bodywork Therapy offers services that support the practice of discovering your Foundation and Flow.

  • Body Mind Therapy

  • Essentrics ® Movement

  • Heart Based Mindfulness


  • Receive skilled touch therapies that allow your body to relax from head to toe! Therapies include: Acupressure, Craniosacral and Zero Balancing Therapy.  

  • Learn how to relax tight muscles and joints while enhancing flexibility and strength through Essentrics ® 

  • Learn simple, effective mindfulness techniques utilizing the HeartMath ® Inner Balance App & Sensor to find inner calm, support your practice and monitor your progress. 


  • Reset your body’s nervous system response and enhance functioning of every body system while receiving therapeutic bodywork.  

  • Rebalance misaligned structural patterns that cause strain, pain, body imbalance and reduce mobility.  

  • Deepen your internal awareness of sensations, thought patterns, limiting beliefs and expand your perspective. 


  • Experience a calm nervous system, spaciousness within your body and the increased energy of a more balanced system. 

  • Experience more freedom, flexibility and fun in your movement. 

  • Experience a deeper connection to the wisdom of your heart, mind and body! 

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