Opening your Perspective
What do you see, hear, feel, think when you are presented with the idea of having a different perspective than someone else or being incorrect ?
This summer I have been reading a book selected by the Atlantic Magazine summer reading list entitled:
Being Wrong- Adventures in the Margin of Error by Kathryn Schulz.
This book has helped me to grow in my emotional and thought processes around being "wrong". It covers topics such as:
What do we see with our senses- for example what do we see in the photo above?
Our minds- knowing, not knowing and making it up
Our minds- evidence
Our society
The allure of certainty
Being wrong- denial and acceptance
Embracing error
These topics are loaded with potential emotional charge rich with growth potential.
How do you experience images, thought patterns or beliefs that challenge you?
I look to HeartMath ® techniques to help me navigate these challenging waters in a calm, coherent manner that allows my heart and mind to connect.
One of my favorite techniques is Freeze Frame.
Benefits of this technique:
Reduces energy drain
Increases ability to quickly develop solutions and problem solve
Increases clarity and access to intuitive intelligence
Improves mental functions
Increases access to creativity and "out of the box" solutions.