Finding balance with seasonal and life changes

Finding balance with seasonal and life changes

The photo above was taken in Canyonlands National Park in Utah.  I love the dichotomy of the mighty Juniper finding a way to obtain the resources it needs to thrive in the harsh, high dessert environment by reaching its roots down into the rocky earth while stretching its branches to the sky.  The tree has found the balance it needs to survive. 

The season of Spring is represented by the Wood element in Five Element Acupressure. The Wood element is symbolized by the tree, rooted in the ground and reaching up toward the sky.

Excerpt from Archetypal Acupuncture- Healing with the Five Elements by Gary Dolowich, M.D. 

"In observing nature, we can appreciate that a tree needs to maintain flexibility and be able to yield in the wind.  The tree that becomes rigid and hollow, unable to bend, is the one that gets blown over in the storm.  Especially true when young, even in the case of the mature tree, the branches need to retain this characteristic.  This, then, provides insight into the process of growth, showing us that all living things need to be adaptable and change with the times.  And yet, throughout its life, the tree stays true to its inherent potential, thereby striking a balance between an inner directive and the outer environmental forces as it struggles to carve out a place in the world".


Here are some key words that can help you explore the Wood Element in your body,mind and life this spring:

leadership, self-esteem, self-respect, integrity, optimism, commitment, self control, self motivation, organization, planning, decisive, willing to change and take charge. 

Taking time for reflection:
Grief and Gratitude

January into the end of March was a time of increased grief and sorrow in my life. I experienced the loss of our family dog, death of a dear friend's young daughter and the death of my father-in-law. I did my best to allow time to feel the grief and sorrow while also tending to self and family needs. There is a beautiful quote from Kahil Gibran from The Prophet-

"The deeper the sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."

Gary Dolowich states that the symbol of the tree is a call to wholeness, encouraging us to embrace the darkness as well as the light.

I have begun to explore grief and gratitude. I realize how grateful I am for the time spent with our furry, friend Ziggy who taught me many lessons over the time we shared together. I am so very grateful for my dear friend and for knowing her daughter. And I have gratitude for the gifts my father-in-law shared with our family.

I am reminded that finding balance in life is about having an awareness of how we feel, acknowledging our feelings while exploring a feeling, attitude or thought pattern that provides a more heart based feeling. As HeartMath ® teaches- acknowledging a more depleting emotion such as grief and inviting in a more renewing emotion such as gratitude to help us find balance. With practice and time we can move from the ability to survive like the juniper tree. We can continue to grow and explore how to thrive in our body, mind and life.

Wishing you health, growth and balance in your life this spring season and always!



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