Consistency in an Inconsistent World


Awareness, Contemplation, Action, Outcome

Do you feel like the change you desire is out of reach?

Do you feel exhausted and defeated?

I have certainly answered YES to the above questions many times in my life. What I continue to realize is that creating the change I desire is based upon Consistent Personal Care Patterns. (CPCP). I certainly have been known to lose my way and my own personal power. I may look for someone to blame, wallow in self -pity or just sit in a slump. In the words of Dr. Seuss- "Un-slumping yourself is not easily done."

The only thing you can truly change is yourself

This is the Lesson!

STEP 1- Awareness
What personal care patterns help you be more aware of your emotions, behaviors, thought patterns, desires? Are you ready to "un-slump" yourself?
STEP 2- Contemplation
Do you set aside time and space to contemplate how to create what you desire?
STEP 3- Action
What helps foster motivation in you? Who is part of your support team?
STEP 4- Outcome
Have you achieved the change you desire? If not, be patient and forgiving with yourself and repeat the process starting with awareness. Strive for a Growth Mindset- be curious, explore, open your perceptive lens.

"You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting
So.....get on your way!
-Dr. Seus

What Personal Care Patterns are consistently part of your regular routine?

Services at ReLeaf Bodywork Therapy are designed to help support you in establishing consistent, personal, healthy, care patterns. Checkout the offerings listed below to learn more or schedule a FREE Discovery Call.


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